Call Us
(724) 478-5478 | 877-72LINKS
(724) 478-4896 (FAX)
3257 Balsiger Rd | Apollo, PA 15613
(724) 478-5478 | 877-72LINKS
(724) 478-4896 (FAX)
3257 Balsiger Rd | Apollo, PA 15613
The Links At Spring Church will be open starting Monday, March 10 at 9 AM. The course will be monitored daily for damage as it is still very fragile.
Cart Path Only
Please protect the course by adhering to the cart path only rule.
Off Season Rates
$33 cash or credit weekday -- No Wednesday specials
$38 cash or credit weekends
$20 cash or credit 9 holes everyday
Subject to change based upon course conditions
Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Brennan's Pub will not be open
Salty snacks, candy, soft drinks, and beer may be purchased in The Pro Shop
Tee Times
Online booking is not currently available. Please call The Pro Shop at 724.478.5478 during the posted hours to reserve a tee time.